Qualifications to be a Registered Voter
In order to be qualified to register to vote:
- You MUST be a US citizen
- You MUST be at least 18 years of age by the date of the next election EXCEPTION: For a General Primary, Consolidated Primary or Caucus, 17 year olds may register and vote if they will be 18 as of the following Election (per PA 98-51 and PA 99-722)
- You MUST reside in the precinct 30 days prior to the next election
- You MUST not be convicted AND in jail
- You MUST not claim the right to vote anywhere else
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Where/How to Register to Vote
There are various places you may become registered to vote.
- Voter registration is available in-person at the Sangamon County Election Office. We are located at 200 S. 9th Street, 1st Floor, Sangamon County Building. Office hours are 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Monday - Friday. Parking is available in the County lot across the street from our building.
Two forms of identification are required to become registered. One must show your name and current address. The second form must show your name.
These forms of identification shall include, but not limited to:
- Driver's License
- Social Security Card
- Birth Certificate
- Checkbook
- Utility Bill
- Bank Statement
- Student I.D. Card
- State I.D. Card
- Credit Card
If you should have any questions as to what is appropriate identification, please contact our office at (217) 753-8683 or by e-mail.
- Register to vote online through the Illinois State Board of Elections
- Mail-in voter registration forms are also available by calling our office at (217) 753-8683, by e-mail or by clicking here. By request, we will send you the form, which you must complete and return no later than 28 days prior to the election.
PLEASE NOTE: Be sure to read the important information section on the mail-in application and that the form is filled out completely. THIS FORM IS REQUIRED TO BE MAILED OR DELIVERED IN PERSON TO THE ELECTION OFFICE. IT CAN NOT BE SENT ELECTRONICALLY.
- Voter registration is also available through your precinct committeeperson or by a Deputy Registrar. Please contact our office at (217) 753-8683 or by e-mail, to find out how to contact someone in your community who is qualified to register you to vote. Alternatively, you may contact your respective County Central Committee Party Headquarters to obtain the name of a Deputy Registrar in your community.
Democratic County Headquarters
312 E. Monroe, PO Box 2
Springfield, IL 62705
(217) 544-0808 phone
(217) 528-2429 fax
Democratic Headquarters
Republican County Headquarters
1132 Sangamon avenue
Springfield, IL 62702
(217) 528-6267 phone
(217) 528-1027 fax
Republican Headquarters
- The following agencies are also qualified to register you to vote:
Driver's License Facilities
Department of Healthcare and Family Services
Department of Public Health Office
Department of Mental Health & Developmental Disabilities
Department of Rehabilitation Service Office
Automatic Voter Registration (AVR)
Automatic Voter Registration, commonly known as “AVR”, was signed into law in Illinois in August of 2017 (Public Act 100-0464). AVR establishes electronic voter registration at participating state agencies, currently including:
- Secretary of State’s Office
- Department of Natural Resources
- Department of Employment Security
- Department of Financial and Professional Regulation
- Department of Human Services (Family and Community Services)
- Department of Human Services (Rehabilitation Services)
As you interact with these Illinois State agencies, voter registration information may be electronically carried over to a voter registration application in order to minimize the amount of time it takes you to complete the process through a dual-purpose application. When making your dual-purpose application you will be informed if you are already registered to vote and afforded the opportunity to register as a new voter in Illinois or update your current voter registration information.
Opt-In Method
AVR maintains the voter attestation method of registration for a large majority of applications. Through this method of registration you are asked if you would like to register to vote and are required to affirm certain criteria and provide your signature. For example, when you are applying for a standard non-REAL ID driver’s license, you would fall into this method of registration.
Opt-Out Method
AVR also creates a new method of registration for people who already prove their citizenship with the documents provided, such as a birth certificate or passport. Under this method of registration, for example when you apply for a REAL ID driver’s license, you will be automatically registered to vote unless you opt-out. If you fall into this method of registration, you will be afforded the opportunity to decline to register to vote or update your current voter registration.
Once your automatic voter registration is processed, you will receive a Voter’s Identification card in the mail. Voters will also receive a separate notice, which will include the qualifications to register to vote, contact information for the local Election Authority and information on how to opt out of voter registration or reject the change in your registration information.
Contact Information for the Sangamon County Election Office:
Address: 200 S. 9th Street, 1st Floor, Springfield, IL 62701
Email: elections@sangamonil.gov
Website: Sangamon County Clerk
Phone: (217) 753-8683
To Qualify To Vote You MUST:
- Be a United States Citizen
- Be at least 18 years old (some 17 year-olds may vote in the General Primary, Consolidated Primary or Caucus)
- Live in your election precinct at least 30 days
- Not be convicted and incarcerated
- Not claim the right to vote anywhere else
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When to Register to Vote
Note: See Grace Period Registration and Voting below for additional registration time frames.
Registration is open year round except:
- During the 27-day period just prior to an election and during the 2-day period after each election.
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Grace Period Registration and Voting
Grace period allows for the registration of voters and for change of address during the period from the close of registration through election day. During this period, an unregistered elector may register to vote or submit a change of address ONLY in person in the Sangamon County Election Office or on Election Day at their polling place. After the registration process, the voter will then cast their ballot. Please note that once a voter casts a grace period ballot, the vote cast is final and may not be revoked and the voter is not eligible to cast a vote on Election Day. For the November 5, 2024 General Election, Grace Period Registration and Voting begins on Wednesday, October 9th and ends on Tuesday, November 5th.
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How to Report Change of Address
If you are currently registered to vote in Sangamon County and have moved within the county, you may change your voter registration address by completing the information on the reverse side of your voter identification card and returning it to our office. If you have misplaced your voter identification card, you may call our office at (217) 753-8683 or e-mail to request a transfer of address form to be mailed to you, which you must complete and return no later than 27 days prior to the election. You may go to the Illinois State Board of Elections website to change your address online by clicking here or you may print out a transfer of address form, complete the required information, and return it to our office.
The form in PDF format and can be filled out electronically. Fill in all blanks EXCEPT for voter's signature. Print out the completed form, SIGN and then send back to our office at the address below. Please call (217) 753-8683 or e-mail if you have any questions or are having difficulty with the form.
If you are currently registered to vote in Sangamon County and have moved outside the county, you must re-register with the local election authority in your new county of residence. If your new county of residence is in Illinois, please see ILLINOIS ELECTION JURISDICTIONS for more information.
How to Report Change of Name
A person who changes his or her name must re-register to vote. Please see Where/How to Register to Vote.
There are two exceptions to this rule.
- A person who changes his or her name and still lives in the same precinct, may vote after completing an affidavit.
- A woman who continues to use her maiden name after marriage may vote without having to complete an affidavit if registered under her maiden name.
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Cancellation of Voter Registration
Once a citizen is registered to vote, his/her name is to remain on the registration roster as long as he/she remains eligible to vote in that election jurisdiction. Removal of a voter's name from the list of registered voters, cancellation of his/her registration, may only be made for the following reasons.
- Request of the Voter A voter may request in writing that their name be removed from the voter registration file (does not require that a reason be given), or a voter may acknowledge in writing that he/she no longer is a resident of the election jurisdiction. Similarly, an attempt by the voter to register to vote in another election jurisdiction is deemed to be a request to cancel all previous voter registrations.
You may call our office at (217) 753-8683 or e-mail to request a cancellation form be mailed to you, or you may also print out a cancellation request , complete the required information, and return it to our office.
- Incarceration
If a voter is incarcerated pursuant to a conviction of a crime, his/her voter registration may be canceled.
- Falsification of Application/Not Qualified
If the voter is convicted of a crime involving a material falsification of his voter registration in regard to age, citizenship, or residence, his/her registration may be canceled.
- Death
If the election authority receives proof of the death of a registered voter, this voter's registration may be canceled.
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