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Jim Allmon | Term: 2024-2028

Jim Allmon, County CoronerThe County Coroner shall be notified when any death in the county or the city may warrant a Medico-Legal death investigation. Once the death is reported to the Coroner’s Office, the Coroner will decide whether or not the death will be placed on a Medical Death Certificate (handled by the decedent’s physician) or a Coroner/Medical Examiner Death Certificate (handled by the Coroner). A Medico-Legal death investigation could include an autopsy, toxicology and review of medical records to determine the cause and manner of death. When the Coroner completes his/her investigation, the death certificate is filed with the local registrar, who then certifies it. The Coroner’s Office is a non-biased, stand-alone entity. By Illinois statute the County Coroner is a conservator of the peace, a law enforcement official, giving him/her the same powers as the Sheriff. 

  • Office
    200 S. Ninth St., Room 303
    Springfield, IL 62701
  • Phone
    p: (217) 753-6610
    p: (217) 753-6666 (Nights and Weekends)
  • Hours
    8:30AM - 4:30PM CST
    Monday - Friday