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Special Projects and Programs

Along with Sangamon County and the City of Springfield, the Commission assists other cities, villages and special districts with planning activities. This includes the Commission's public participation and outreach work, and work with a number of city and county boards and commissions.

Special Projects

Each year the Springfield-Sangamon County Regional Planning Commission takes on special planning and research projects that provide timely information to state and local leaders as well as residents. SSCRPC regularly monitors State, Federal and other critical agencies to help ensure that Sangamon County and our partnering jurisdictions and organizations have the information resources they need to effectively plan and implement new projects, programs and activities. Consistent with our mission, the Commission also regularly pursues unique projects and special funding opportunities that improve the programs and services we provide.

MacArthur Boulevard Master Plan


Neighborhood associations in Springfield and Sangamon County are encouraged to register with the SSCRPC. This registration is voluntary, but is used to inform neighborhood associations of relevant events and activities, let state and federal agencies know about the presence of neighborhood associations in areas where a state or federal project might be planned, and for other planning purposes.


Please direct any special projects and programs related questions or comments to Shannan Karrick.