Welcome Message from the Director
On behalf of the staff and managers of the Sangamon County Probation and Court Services Department, it is my pleasure to welcome you to our website. Our website will furnish you with information regarding a wide range of services provided by our department.
Our department is an integral partner of a model justice system which operates under the authority of the Chief Judge of the 7th Judicial Circuit. The department operates under an organization of four divisions: Administration, Adult Services, Juvenile Services, and Detention Services.
Mission Statement
To reduce recidivism in the community and contribute to public safety by promoting positive behavior change.
Vision Statement
We strive to be an integral partner in a model criminal justice system.
We Envision
- No new arrests of those on probation by implementing comprehensive programs utilizing evidence-based principles
- Actively educating the judicial system, community agencies and other stakeholders about, and advocating for, the most effective supervision and programming
- Recognizing and helping to meet the needs of victims of crime
- Staff consistently modeling professional attitudes and behavior
- Being the most effective department possible by ensuring that we learn and use the latest advances in the probation field and by learning and using practices that enable staff to work together as a cohesive, interactive, and vibrant organization where everyone’s ideas are heard and respected
- A department where all staff understand and believe in the process of change both for clients and for the organization