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Pre-Payment of Property Taxes

The Treasurer's office will take prepayments of property taxes for the next year's taxes starting in late November with the following limitations:

  1. You can pay up to 105% of the previous year's tax amount and no more unless the prior bill was a partial year bill.
  2. No refunds will be given until the bills have been charged against the prepayment in late April.
  3. We require you to pay at least 25% of last year's bill as the minimum payment amount.
  4. When sending a prepayment be sure and mail it to 200 S. Ninth St, Springfield, IL 62701 and to write your parcel number on the payment and indicate that it is a prepayment or pay in person at our office.
  5. Even though you prepaid taxes the property owner is still responsible for paying any residual amounts due by the due dates and may be subject to penalty on unpaid amounts after the due dates.
  6. No interest is credited for prepaid taxes or discounts given for prepaying taxes.
  7. In cases where the tax amount due is later changed and a refund with interest is due, the date to be paid will be the due date or payment date whichever is later.
  8. Prepayments will show as a credit on the tax bill.
  9. Prepayments may not show on the internet based tax inquiry screens until late April.