Sangamon County Regional Comprehensive Plan
The SSCRPC continues to recognize the critical nature of regional planning. Regional success matters. Planning strategically and comprehensively is critical to that regional success. Over the last several years, the SSCRPC has partnered with local community leaders and volunteers in Sangamon County to develop a regional long range strategic plan that is intended provide planning guidance through the year 2030.
The Sangamon County Regional Strategic Plan culminates efforts begun in late 2008 by the SSCRPC. Over 20 communities in the region have expressed support for this planning process in its various stages. This extensive multiyear planning effort was a process developed by utilizing the expertise of local officials, study groups, surveys, SSCRPC staff and public input meetings which are detailed within the links below. These various forms of public input have helped to inform the consideration of six key areas of focus for the regional plan. The current plan draft articulates a vision for a vital cycle of regional improvement, and provides guidance on strategies, actions, and implementation steps to assist local leaders and residents in creating this vital cycle for our region.
The Planning Commission recently adopted the final plan, and a number of communities have endorsed this plan or are considering resolutions to this effect.
Click here to review the Regional Strategic Plan.
Finally, below are a series of background documents that helped guide the planning process. Please feel free to peruse this information as a guide to how we developed the Regional Strategic Plan.
Proposed Structure of the Plan
Regional Comprehensive Plan Presentation
Comp. Planning Fund Executive Summary
For Regional Comprehensive Plan Study Group Reports, select reports below:
- Select a Study Group Report

Local Comprehensive Planning Services
The Springfield-Sangamon County Regional Planning Commission is committed to providing local leaders with strategic planning resources so that communities in Sangamon County can be prepared to grow efficiently and effectively in future years.
Understanding the forces acting on our region, as well as the effect these forces are having, is vitally important to our ability to plan and identify strategies for long-term success. SangStat is intended to provide local leaders and the public with a limited set of statistical indicators that we believe are important in understanding and evaluating where our region has been, is now, and is tending. Where comparative data is available, SangStat attempts to provide indicators that consider Sangamon County as a region, comparing it to three other mid-Illinois counties.
Click here to review SangStat.
2010 Census Analysis
In addition to statistical indicators used for benchmarking and peer comparison, demographic data is an essential resource for leaders to use in understanding where our region is currently and where it is trending. The 2010 Census Analysis discusses population, age, race, housing, income, and education trends for Springfield and the Sangamon County region.
Click here to review the 2010 Census Analysis.
Resilience Capacity Index (RCI)
A community’s resilience, or ability to “bounce back” from economic downturn, is an essential part of regional well-being. Building on prior SSCRPC efforts at peer comparison, the Resilience Capacity Index (RCI) Peer Comparison report provides an analysis of the Springfield Metropolitan Area’s resilience capacity as compared to four Central Illinois peers.
Click here to review the Resilience Capacity Index (RCI)
Planning for Growth: Reviewing Economic Growth Trends in the Springfield-Sangamon County Economic Area
In a follow-up to its recent study of the metro area's ability to bounce back after economic downturns such as the Great Recession, the Commission has now completed an extensive review of the local economy, assessing population, personal wealth, job and business growth in the region over recent decades. This study includes the first use of Leading, Slipping, Gaining, Lagging (LSGL) analysis to compare the region to the state and other Illinois counties. It may be found here.
Please direct any Strategic & Comprehensive planning related questions or comments to Shannan Karrick.