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County Board

The Sangamon County Board consists of 29 members, each elected from a single member district.  County Board members are initially nominated at a partisan primary election, and then elected to office at a general election.  The current partisan make up of the board is 21 Republicans and 8 Democrats.  County Board members are generally elected to four year terms, with roughly a third of the County Board up for re-election at each general election.  The position is considered part time.  The Chairman of the County Board is elected from within the ranks of the 29 members, and is also considered a part time position, although the Chairman has many additional official and ceremonial duties.

Powers and Duties

The Sangamon County Board holds all the powers of the County that are not assigned to elected officials.  Overall, the Board is responsible for the financial management of all County funds, and exercises numerous regulatory powers, including zoning, public health and building safety.

County Board Meetings

The County Board meets at 6:00 p.m. on the second Tuesday of each month in the County Board chambers on the second floor of the Sangamon County Complex, 200 South Ninth Street, Springfield, Illinois.

Minutes of all County Board standing committee proceedings are available in the County Board office in Room 201 of the County Building. The County Board meeting minutes are filed in the Sangamon County Clerk’s office in Room 101 of the County Building and are also available on the County website.

All meetings of the County Board are open to the public, and public comment is accepted. In order to make a public comment during a County Board meeting, one must fill out a “Request to Address the County Board” form and file it with the County Board office five days prior to the Board meeting.  County Board meetings may, by State Statute, be closed to the public in the event of discussion of certain items as defined in the Open Meetings Act.


The Sangamon County Board operates on the committee system.  The County Board has 13 standing committees.  All items concerning county government are discussed in depth by standing and special committees, and because not all issues require County Board approval many items are resolved at the committee level. 

County Administrator

The County Administrator is the Chief Appointed Official for county government.  The County Administrator is appointed by the Chairman of the County Board and is confirmed by the County Board.  The County Administrator is responsible for the day-to-day operation and administration of county government, and has direct supervision and oversight of more than 25 county departments.  The County Administrator is responsible for the coordination and construction of the County’s annual budget and the annual property tax levy.  The County Administrator serves as the chief liaison between the County Board and county-wide elected officials, and also serves as the chief negotiator and strategist for the County Board on all budget, personnel, labor relations and economic development matters.  The County Administrator also oversees major projects initiated by and for the County Board.

County Board Coordinator

The County Board Coordinator works with the County Board members and is the recording secretary for all standing committee meetings. The County Board Coordinator prepares all annual calendars and meeting schedules for the Board members. The County Board Coordinator also provides general office administrative support, coordinates assigned special projects, prepares payroll for the County Board and other departments and prepares requisitions for committee approval.  The County Board Coordinator is also responsible for overseeing the daily operations of the County Board Office and is responsible for updating specific sections of the County website. The County Board Coordinator also sets meetings for the Board Chairman and monitors the availability of the County Board chambers and conference rooms and takes reservations for their use.  The County Board Coordinator tracks and monitors all official County Board appointments for the many boards and commissions the County Board Chairman appoints.

  • Office
    200 S. Ninth St., 2nd Floor
    Springfield, IL 62701
  • Phone
    p: (217) 753-6650
  • Hours
    8:30AM - 5:00PM CST
    Monday - Friday