Lamplighter Inn Best Western Pool
The Sangamon County Historic Preservation Commission is charged with preserving historic structures and landmarks, fostering historical education, promoting economic development, conserving and preserving the value of real property, ensuring harmonious development, and encouraging cooperation between municipalities and Sangamon County. The SCHPC also conducts historical surveys of property in unincorporated Sangamon County, recommends buildings be landmarked to the Sangamon County Board, and decides whether to issue certificates of appropriateness and/or certificates of economic hardship for designated landmarks.
The Sangamon County Historic Preservation Commission meets monthly on the first Wednesday. Its current members are: Chuck Pell (Chair), Bob Sherman (Vice Chair), Tina Lathan, Dean Williams, Jeanette Goza, Aakash Raut, Thomas Bazan, Tabitha Bock, and Ron McDonald. The Executive Director of the Springfield-Sangamon County Regional Planning Commission serves as an ex officio member of the Historic Preservation Commission. Regional Planning Commission staff provide the minutes.
Click this link to be taken to the interactive landmarks web app.
A copy of the latest agenda will be placed here when it is available.
The County historical preservation ordinance is available on Municode. See Chapter 15.06
Did you know? Sangamon County has been a certified local government as listed by the Illinois Historic Preservation Agency, or IHPA, since 2011. More information on the program at this website.