Term: 2024 - 2028
Andy Van Meter (R)
6 Fair Oaks
Springfield, IL 62704
Andy Van Meter was elected to the Sangamon County Board in 1994. Andy showed up late to an organizational meeting in February of 2000 and was elected Chair of the Sangamon County Board as a consequence. He has been the unanimous choice as chair since that first selection. As chair, he does his best to preside over the monthly county board meetings without looking foolish. He also is responsible for making appointments for 30 boards and commissions and serves as an ex officio member of all standing committees of the County Board.
The Board Chair is not considered to be a full-time position. Andy's full-time job is President of Design Ideas, a company employing 50 people in Springfield and 25 people over seas, which he started in 1982. Design Ideas is based in Springfield but requires him to travel the globe to develop new household products to manufacture and market. He is a graduate of Springfield High School, Princeton University and Stanford Law School. Andy is a published author of the book “Always My Friend: A History of the State Journal-Register and Springfield.” He is also an Eagle Scout.