Term: 2022 - 2026
Cathy Scaife (R)
H: 217-546-8059
Cathy Scaife serves County Board District 29 the west side of Springfield and surrounding communities. She returns to the County Board, having previously served on the Board for 11.5 years and was on many of the standing committees. She also served on the Workforce Investment Board (WIB) and several ad hoc committees.
She currently serves on the Election Oversight, Finance, and Liquor committees. She is currently the Chair of the Liquor committee.
Cathy has been an active public servant in the Springfield community, previously elected to the Springfield Metropolitan Exposition Auditorium Authority (SMEAA) Board and served on the Building Code Board of Appeals.
Cathy is employed by the Senate Republican Staff and a member of Christ the King Parish.
Cathy is married and the mother of a daughter and son.